
Who am I?

Raritet is, for now at least, just me. So I’ll proceed like this is a personal site.

By day I’m an electrical engineer that designs power and control systems for heavy movable structures, like drawbridges. (We call them generically “movable bridges,” but that’s the engineer in me talking.) By night, however, when I’m not dreaming about some future project I may or, more likely, may not build, I try to quickly fabricate little prototypes exploring the intersection of art and engineering. Lest you think that I am some sort of highfalutin’ engineer-philosopher, a lot of my projects are just for humor’s sake.

I have been bad at documenting my work, so over the next few weeks and months I’ll be updating this site with both old and new projects and ideas. I’ll also migrate my old blog here—there’s a lot of interesting stuff in there. So it warrants adding to your feedreader. I’ll also try to post updates to more immediate media like Twitter and whatnot.


I also like to take pictures. Photography is the other thing I do well besides engineering (though I hope I’m also a good thinker and designer, but I have more to show for it on the photography front). I have had some commissions, and I am available for more. Take a look at my portfolio to see some of my work.

What is a Raritet?

It means rarity in Swedish, and in this context it’s being used like oddity or curiosity, as in a cabinet of curiosities. My step mother (really just one of my mothers—the modifier step is irrelevant) is Swedish, though I have no other connection to Scandinavia other than the fact that I absolutely loved my two trips to Norway and can’t wait to go again.


At the risk of sounding like a jack of all trades and master of none, I also like music and make beats from time to time. I post them to Soundcloud when I do. Don’t listen to them, though. They are not mastered or generally well mixed at all.


This site uses the Hyde Jekyll theme by @mdo. I set it up for the most part by simply forking Hyde into my Github Pages root. I also got some help from this page (and others too numerous to mention).