
A friend of mine is about to open a candy store and I offered to take some pictures for marketing and whatnot. So to practice and to give him an idea of what I have in mind, I took a few pictures and made this:

Lemonhead Picture

I plan to make some adjustments in a final version, including redoing my lighting scheme to make sharper (but smaller) shadows. I’ll obviously use a tripod for the “real” version as well, to get a little more sharpness overall. I’ll also be more precise with the hyperfocal distance so I can get exactly what I want in focus. Switching to a more telephoto lens will also likely help if the proportions work out otherwise. In a pinch I might have to do some focus stacking, but I’m not a fan of too much post-processing so we’ll see about that.

By the way, I used Bamboo Paper on my tablet for the lettering. Bamboo Paper is by far my favorite drawing app, at least on the Surface with the Surface Pen, because of the feel. Everyone should use Bamboo Paper’s technology for inking in their apps.